People's Participation in the Preparation of Local Development Plans According to the Principle of Ditthamikatthaban 4 of Chom Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Chom Phra District, Surin Province

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PhraSud Analayo (Sukpraset)
Wetsuwan Ardwichai


The purposes of this study were to 1. study the level of people's participation in the preparation of a local development plan according to the principle of Ditthamikatta Benefit 4 of Chom Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Chom Phra District, Surin Province. 2. the participation of the people in the preparation of the local development plan according to the principle of Ditthamikatta Benefit 4 of Chom Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Chom Phra District, Surin Province. According to public opinion, classified by gender, age, 
education level and occupation, 3. to propose guidelines for people's participation in the preparation of a local development plan according to the principle of Ditthamikatta Benefit 4 of Chom Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Chom Phra District, Surin Province. 
The sample group consisted of the population used in this study, including 367 people aged 18 years and over. The instrument used for data collection was a 5- level estimation scale questionnaire with content accuracy of 0.80 – 1.00, and confidence of .98.      
The results showed that:
1. The level of people's participation in the preparation of the local development plan according to the principle of Ditthamikatta Benefit 4 overall and in each aspect at a high level When considering each aspect in order from the highest to the lowest average, i.e. participation in decision making. by adhering to the principles of dharma, sufficiency, and reasonable livelihood. Followed by participation in benefits By adhering to the principles of dharma, protection, knowledge of wealth and the side with the lowest mean is In terms of participation in the evaluation, adhere to the Dharma principle, Kalayanamittata, associate with good people as graduates. 
2. The results of the comparison of opinion levels towards the level of people's participation in the preparation of local development plans according to the principle of Ditthammikatthaban 4 classified by gender, age, level of education Education, occupation as a whole is no different and 3. The guideline for people's participation in the preparation of local development plans according to the principle of Ditthamikatta Benefit 4 found that Participate in the preparation of local development plans or local development in many areas, There should be activities that motivate people. have joined more.

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How to Cite
Analayo (Sukpraset), P., & Ardwichai, W. (2023). People’s Participation in the Preparation of Local Development Plans According to the Principle of Ditthamikatthaban 4 of Chom Phra Subdistrict Municipality, Chom Phra District, Surin Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(2), 215–226. retrieved from
Research Article


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