Participatory Local Administration Based on the Buddihst Partway (The Threefold Learning) of Local Administrative Organizations at Pho Chaidistrict, Roi-Et Province

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Phrakruphuthichaikhun Pasanno (Worakamonwattanasiri)
Pornpimol Pochailar


The objectives of this thesis are: 1) to study the level of participatory local administration according to the trisikkha principles of local administrative organizations in Phochai District. Roi Et Province 2) to compare the level of local administration with participation according to the tri-sikkha principles of local government organizations in Phochai District Roi Et Province classified by gender, age, education level and position3) to study the recommendations for participatory local administration according to the tri-sikkha principles of local administrative organizations in Phochai District. Roi Et Province The sample group consisted of personnel performing duties in local government organizations in Phochai District. The data collection tool was a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire with content accuracy of 0.67-1.00 and confidence of .95.

          The research results were as follows:

1. The level of participatory local administration according to the trisikkha principles of local administrative organizations Overall and each aspect is at a high level. The aspect with the highest average was transparency, followed by the promotion of public participation. Follow-up and performance evaluation and the side with the lowest mean is management policy.

2. The results of the comparison of opinion levels towards the participation of local administration according to the trisikkha principles of local administrative organizations by gender, age, education level and overall and individual positions not different.

3. Suggestions for participatory local administration according to the trisikkha principles of important local government organizations should provide opportunities for people to participate in the survey of the organization's problems in order to formulate a policy for solving common problems. Apply the principles of good governance in the management of the organization.

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How to Cite
Pasanno (Worakamonwattanasiri), P., & Pochailar, P. (2023). Participatory Local Administration Based on the Buddihst Partway (The Threefold Learning) of Local Administrative Organizations at Pho Chaidistrict, Roi-Et Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(2), 227–238. Retrieved from
Research Article


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