The Personnel Administration According to the Seven Sappurisadhamma in Basic Educational Institutions under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Education Service Area 3

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Kanklao Thooprakan
Sunthon Saikham
PhraHonda Vadasuddo


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the conditions of personnel administration in basic educational institutions under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3; 2) to propose guidelines for personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma principles in basic education institutions under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3. This study was carried out by means of mixed method research, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The research tools consisted of a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. For quantitative research, the sample group consisted of 402 participants. The research tools were a questionnaire and an interview form. The reliability value of the entire questionnaire was 0.90. The quantitative data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research results were as follows:
1) In overall and each aspect, the personnel administration, according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma in basic educational institutions under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3, has been practiced at a high level. The most practiced aspect was Dhammaññut (knowing the cause), followed by Attaññut (knowing the result), and the lowest was the Parisaññut (knowing the community).
2) Guidelines for personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma are: (1) administrators should administer personnel with fairness without prejudice;
(2) educational institutions should allow personnel to equally participate in expressing their opinions; (3) administrators should be willing to advise personnel all times;
(4) educational institutions should allocate budgets to support personnel development in expenses reasonably; (5) educational institutions should provide opportunities for communities to participate; (6) personnel should be encouraged to express their opinions on personnel administration thoroughly; (7) educational institutions should support personnel to continue their education/training so that they have the opportunity to develop and advance in their work responsibilities.

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How to Cite
Thooprakan, K., Saikham, S. ., & Vadasuddo, P. . (2023). The Personnel Administration According to the Seven Sappurisadhamma in Basic Educational Institutions under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Education Service Area 3. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 238–251. Retrieved from
Research Article


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