The Study of Occupational Therapy Administration Guideline in a Special Education Center in Chiang Rai Province

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Pitchayasinee Suyata
Prapatsorn Somsathan
Parichat Buacharoen


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current state of occupational therapy administration in a special education center in Chiang Rai province 2) to develop occupational therapy administration guidelines in a special education center in Chiang rai province .The sample group consisted of 210 people Consists of school administrators, Teachers and educational personnel in a special education center in Chiang Rai province and parents of students in a special education center in Chiang Rai province. The research tools were a questionnaire on the current state of occupational therapy administration. There were a index of item objective congruence equal to 0.86 and reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) with a confidence level of the questionnaire equal to 0.95 and a semi-structured interview on occupational therapy administration guidelines in a special education center in Chiang rai province. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The findings of this study were as follows :

  1. Current state of administration of occupational therapy in a special education center in Chiang Rai province .It consists of 4 components: 1. Service 2. Management 3. Academic 4. Other performance . The Overall opinions were at a high level. When considering each side, it was found that the opinions were at a high level. In order of average, they were academic (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.31), services (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.30), other performance (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.01), and management (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.01). Moderate was moderate (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.46).

  2. Occupational Therapy administration Guidelines in a special Education center in Chiang rai. 2.1 Service : There is a systematic planning of the process of service activities. And there is supervision and follow-up from executives and department heads. 2.2 Management: Participate in setting goals, visions and missions of educational institutions. An occupational therapy practice manual has been prepared. There is an appropriate, clean, safe occupational therapy service location. There is a summary of annual report information that is clear, accurate and up-to-date. There is supervision and follow-up from executives and department heads. 2.3 Academic : Develop educational institutes' curriculum and develop a draft occupational therapy curriculum that is consistent with the context of the educational institution, providing information and knowledge to teachers, educational personnel and other relevant personnel. To create understanding and guidelines for helping children with special needs. Continuous self-development and professional development which will be beneficial for work development There is supervision and follow-up from executives and department heads. 2.4 Other performance: Create a clear understanding and agreement with occupational therapy teachers on duties other than providing occupational therapy services. therefore, there are a plan, organized calendar of operations. Supervision and follow-up from executives and department heads Summarize and evaluate performance to develop, improve and continue.

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How to Cite
Suyata, P., Somsathan, P. ., & Buacharoen, P. . (2023). The Study of Occupational Therapy Administration Guideline in a Special Education Center in Chiang Rai Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 96–111. Retrieved from
Research Article


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