The Development of Code of Ethics of Teaching Profession for Art Student Teachers Through the Information Technology System in Chiang Mai Province

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Saipin Sungkitsin


 This research aimed to examine fundamental information in teaching and learning management and to investigate the effects of developing code of ethics of teaching profession for art student teachers through the information technology system according to the action research process. The sample group in this research consisted of 36 fifth-year students studying in the art education program. They were selected by using purposive sampling method. The research instruments were a basic information record form, a knowledge test, a code of ethics of teaching profession assessment form, a work synthesis form, and an operation tracking record form. The qualitative data were analyzed based on content analysis, whereas the quantitative data were statistically analyzed for percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The research results were summarized as follows:
1. According to the fundamental information in teaching and learning
management, it was found that 1) Affiliation: the majority of students practiced their teaching professional experience in schools which were under the Basic Education
Commission, 66.6%. 2) General information: most of the students were female, 52.77%, whereas 47.22% of students were male. 3) The condition of teaching and learning: there was the teaching in Mattayom 1 (grade 7) to Mattayom 3 (grade 9) the most, 46.7%.
The course of visual arts was taught the most, 96.6%. Practical art instruction was
provided the most, 66.7%. Contents were organized between theory: practice in a volume of 50:50 the most, 46.7%. Power point media was used for teaching the most, 73.3%. Lastly, assessments were made the most by asking students to take pictures and send them back online, 83.3%.
2. According to the effects of developing code of ethics of teaching profession for art student teachers, overall it was found at the highest level. ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.93) The students had the most ethical behavior towards professional colleagues. ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 5.00) However, they had the least professional ethics. ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.88)

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How to Cite
Sungkitsin, S. (2023). The Development of Code of Ethics of Teaching Profession for Art Student Teachers Through the Information Technology System in Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 72–83. Retrieved from
Research Article


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