The Development of Thai language Analytical Reading Ability and Learning Achievement of Grade 7 students through SQ4R Method With Skill Practice Package

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Yossapat Kleingklom
Somsong Sitti


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop the analytical reading ability in Thai language of Mathayomsuksa 1 students by combining the SQ4R learning management with a skill set and 2) to develop the Thai language learning achievements of Mathayomsuksa 1 students. Mathayomsuksa 1 students using the SQ4R learning management method together with the skill set. The sample group contained 30 Grade 7/1 Students in 2022 Academic Year, Khonsarnwittayakom School, derived by cluster random sampling. This research was the pre-experimental research with the one-shot case study design. The research instruments included two types covering: 1. the instruments for experimenting comprising: 1) 11 learning management plans in SQ4R learning approach together with skill practice packages spending 12 hours, and 2) 3 packages of analytical reading ability; and 2. the instruments for collecting the data, composing of: 1) the analytical reading ability test with 4 choices in 35 items, 2) the learning achievement test with 4 choices in 30 items. The statistics for analyzing the data included the mean, percentage and standard deviation.
The research findings revealed that:
1. The students’ analytical reading ability learning with the SQ4R method together with the skill practice packages got the mean scores equaled 28.31 from the full scores of 35, valued 80.99%, and 26 students could pass the score criterion, valued 89.66% of overall students.
2. The students’ learning achievement learning with SQ4R method together with the skill practice packages contained the mean scores equaled 25.48 from 30 full scores, valued 84.93%, and 25 students could pass the criterion, valued 86.21% of all students.

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How to Cite
Kleingklom, Y., & Sitti, S. (2023). The Development of Thai language Analytical Reading Ability and Learning Achievement of Grade 7 students through SQ4R Method With Skill Practice Package. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 214–225. Retrieved from
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