Economic Development, Foundations of Buddhist Agriculture, Santisuk District, Nan Province

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Somkid Nunta
Orapin Inwong
Sittichai Ounsaun


 The economic development, and foundations of Buddhist agriculture, in Santisuk District, Nan Province, have Three objectives. The first is to study the models of
foundation economic development based on morals in the safety agriculture enterprise group, Santisuk District, Nan Province. Second, to develop safe agricultural products,
in Santisuk District, Nan Province. Third, to encourage participation in foundation
economic development, Santisuk District, Nan Province. the data collecting of this research is mixed method research that has both documentary research and action research.
A group of specific data providers is the safety agriculture enterprise group, Santisuk District, Nan Province, which plays role in the economic development, and foundations of Buddhist agriculture, Santisuk District, for enhancing agricultural product level, Santisuk District, Nan Province. They have 5 groups and have 10 members per group, a total of 50 people, including community leaders, agriculturist representatives, monk representatives, and government also private agencies that participate in encouraging, driving, and developing the economy of Santisuk District, Nan Province.
The result of this research found out, the foundation economic system, of Santisuk District, Nan Province, has created groups, consisting of a vegetable planting group, a fruit planting group, a handcraft group herbal tea group, and a group of charcoal briquettes from corn cob. By establishing groups and funds for agriculturists to be self-reliant, such as savings groups, cooperative preparation groups, and transformation groups (community enterprise), the market development of products in the community, the development of clean villages with strong communities, and supporting activities to preserve culture and local wisdom. An important mechanic in driving sustainable product development is human development. So, the process of development has 2 factors, the action factor, and the support factor. Which support factor consist of societies, technologies, and natural resources as a based component in supporting the action factor could work efficiently, by cooperating with specialized research agencies, agricultural product transformation technologies testing, the better quality of product development, until the development of new products from agricultural products.
Finally, providing support in transferring skills and knowledge in all aspects to agriculturists.

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How to Cite
Phrachayanantamunee, Nunta, S. ., Inwong, O. ., & Ounsaun, S. (2023). Economic Development, Foundations of Buddhist Agriculture, Santisuk District, Nan Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(2), 115–127. retrieved from
Research Article


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