Leadership Factors Affecting the Performance of the Village Headman in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province

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Pisitpon Sutanthavibul
Rungsun Ingun
Somkiet Kietjareon


The objective of this study are (1) To study the leadership factors of the village headmen in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. (2) To study the performance of village headman in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. (3) To study the leadership factors that affect the performance of the village headmen in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. (4) To study the recommendations to increase the efficiency of the village headman performance in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. Collected data by questionnaires with 396 voter of Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. Multistage randomization, hierarchical randomization and simple randomization. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression-type reference statistics were used.

The study found (1) The level of leadership factors of the village headmen in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province were high level.  (2) The performance of village headman in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province were medium level. (3) The leadership factors that affect the performance of the village headmen in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. (4) The village headman should develop himself to be a knowledgeable and ability to use technology, should be a variety of channels for receiving information from people in responsible areas, should be modern public relations channels. and a variety of channels, Occupation and living in the village area and the village headman should be transformational leadership with leadership.

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How to Cite
Sutanthavibul, P. ., Ingun, R., & Kietjareon, S. (2023). Leadership Factors Affecting the Performance of the Village Headman in Suan Phueng District Ratchaburi Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 178–188. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/258663
Research Article


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