Human Resource Development Factors Affecting Police Missions immigration Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand

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Thippavadee Chalongpoom
Somkiat Kiatchareon
Rungsun Injun


The objectives of this research 1) were to study the human resource development factors of the Immigration Police. Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand 2) To study the level of mission accomplishment of the Immigration Police, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand and 3) To study the relationship between human resource development factors and the success of the immigration police's mission. Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand by quantitative research The sample group used in this research consisted of 293 police officers at the operator level by calculating the sample by using the formula of Taro Yamane.
The questionnaire was a 5-level estimation questionnaire based on the Likert Scale, which the questionnaire had a confidence value of 0.893 and the statistics used in the research were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and Pearson's
correlation coefficient.
The results of the research found that
1) human resource development factors Overall, it's at a high level. classified by aspect Sort the averages descending as follows: Training Employee Development Factors Education Factors career development factors and organizational development factors 2) the level of success according to the mission of the Immigration Police Overall, it's at a high level. when classified by aspect Sorted in descending order from the mean as follows: Personnel Development information technology upgrade attitude adjustment and the preparation of operational manuals
3) the relationship between human resource development factors and the level of success according to the mission of the Suvarnabhumi Airport Immigration Police. There was a low positive correlation (0.405) with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Chalongpoom, T. ., Kiatchareon, S., & Injun, R. (2023). Human Resource Development Factors Affecting Police Missions immigration Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(1), 132–145. Retrieved from
Research Article


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