Wealth : Value To Human Life

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Wijittree Dhammarak
Jaras Leeka


 This academic article aims to present how wealth is important and its value in human life, and found that it is important to human life. By enabling them to live well, be happy, have comfort, resulting in the improvement of the quality of life And as a base for reaching a better life destination Even if wealth is valuable, it is also punishable for treating it in the wrong way. Therefore, the person should have the correct principles of treating the property. That is to say, human beings have to search for wealth with
diligence. And find property in good faith That is, the act of right livelihoods that follow the principles that are correct and good When you get the property Then spend it to maintain himself And people to be happy To be consistent with nurturing people to be happy and to achieve benefits both now and in the future. Use wealth by knowing its importance, knowing its value true to human life. To bring true benefits to oneself to the family, peers, society and environment

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How to Cite
Dhammarak, W., & Leeka, J. (2022). Wealth : Value To Human Life. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(3), 69–81. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/258030
Academic Article


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