The Short Curriculum Development of Agriculture for upgrade the Knowledge and Necessary skills with the Geographic Information Systems to become the Smart Agricultural Business Model for local Agricultural personnel in Kanchanaburi Province

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Komsan Sriboonruang
Phacharanat Kainunpa
Sasikarn Plaiklang


 The objectives of this research were develop short-term courses to increase knowledge and skills necessary in agriculture with Geographic Information Systems to become a smart agribusiness model for personnel in the local agricultural sector in Kanchanaburi Province. The population and the key informants were Experts,
Agricultural personnel of local government organizations, sample for the course tryout and local farmers by the Purposive sampling method. This research uses the concept of Geoinformatics and Curriculum Development as the main concepts. The results of the study found that The Curriculum development process is based on the concept of systematic curriculum development, which consists of 3 main systems: the curriculum drafting system, Course management system and the Curriculum Assessment System consists of Assessment Planning, Define assessment tools, Course tryout, Data Collection and Analysis and reporting results to target groups and stakeholders. and the Curriculum Quality Assessment the method was used to find the average of opinions about the quality of the short-term training courses with experts divided into two main parts: components of the short-term training courses, the first part was the introduction average was 3.72 and the course structure average was 3.81. The second part is the components of the short-term training course, which consists of 3 main components: the course structure average was 3.72, the learning units average was 3.67 and the measurement and evaluation of training average was 3.77, all components were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Sriboonruang, K., Kainunpa, P. ., & Plaiklang, S. . (2022). The Short Curriculum Development of Agriculture for upgrade the Knowledge and Necessary skills with the Geographic Information Systems to become the Smart Agricultural Business Model for local Agricultural personnel in Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 302–312. Retrieved from
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