THE The Development of English Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking Abilities of Grade 6 Students Using SQ6R Learning Model with Mind Mapping

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Pornpradit Phanthukul
Sitthipon Art-in


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop of English reading comprehension ability of grade 6 students using SQ6R Learning Model with Mind Mapping averagely score not less than 70% of total score, and there would be 70% up of the total number of the students passing criterion, and 2) to develop of Critical thinking ability of grade 6 students using SQ6R Learning Model with Mind Mapping averagely score not less than 70% of total score, and there would be 70% up of the total number of the students passing criterion. The target group used in this research was 8 Grade 6 students of
Bandongbangkururashbamrong School under The Khonkaen Education Service Area Office 4. The design of this research was the Action Research.
The research instruments categorized into 3 categorized were : 1) 9 Lesson Plans which took 18 instructional periods to complete, 2) Research reflection tools consisted of (1) Instruction records, (2) Teacher’s teaching behavior observation form and Students’ learning behavior observation form, (3) Students’ interviewing record, (4) End-of-spiral English reading comprehension and Critical thinking ability tests. 3) Evaluation tools
consisted of (1) a 30-item 4-choice objective test on the student’s English reading comprehension ability (2) a 30-item 4-choice objective test on the student’s Critical thinking ability. Quantitative data Analytical was analyzed by descriptive statistics consisted of mean (), standard deviation (S.D), and percentage (%). Qualitative data Analytical was analyzed using Content Analysis. The results were summarized: 1) The students had average score of English reading comprehension ability for 23.88, accounted for 79.58 percent and there were 7 students passed the criteria accounting for 87.50 percent which was higher than defined criteria. 2) The students had average score of Critical thinking ability for 24.38, accounted for 81.25 percent and there were 8 students passed the criteria accounting for 100 percent which was higher than defined criteria.

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How to Cite
Phanthukul, P., & Art-in, S. (2022). THE The Development of English Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking Abilities of Grade 6 Students Using SQ6R Learning Model with Mind Mapping. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 145–157. Retrieved from
Research Article


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