Political Culture and Democracy in Thai Society

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Sirawat Krongbun
PhrakhruSamuchinwarawat Thirapatto
Wiraya Pimpun


This article studies the use of the political power system through cultural dimensions understanding of community culture that affects the political structure and governance. The knowledge gained from education can also explain political phenomena very well through criticism. Culture arises from the activities of people in society that are accepted and valued; politics involves in our daily lives. Therefore, social activities can almost all be linked to politics. Political culture has greatly influenced the development of a democratic political system. It gives people the opportunity to express their political ideas in a more progressive democratic regime. It also helps to open up the worldview to society by studying the roots of society, politics, culture, attitudes, ideas, views, and beliefs of people in society. Moreover, it can analyze the relationship and importance of the political and cultural paradigm in Thai development. Culture is, therefore, an essential factor in supporting democratic political development in Thai society.

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How to Cite
Krongbun, S., Thirapatto, P., & Pimpun, W. (2022). Political Culture and Democracy in Thai Society. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(3), 110–122. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/256832
Academic Article


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