A Guideline to Develop Innovative Leadership in Educational Opportunity Extension School of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area 2

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Pongpithuk Kaewmanee


This independent studies purposes were to : 1) study the present Innovative Leadership In Educational Opportunity Extension School 2) study a guideline to develop of Innovative Leadership In Educational Opportunity Extension School The sample group was Adminisstrators and teacher In Educational Opportunity Extension School Of Chaiyaphum Primay Educatiopnal Service Area 2 for 265 people. with random sampling by the Cluster Random Sampling. The instruments used questionnaire (rating scale) 5 level. The research statistic were mean, percentage, standard deviation.
The independent studies results were as followed
1. The results of study the present situation Innovative Leadership In Educational Opportunity Extension School Overall, it is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was personality, followed by teamwork. In terms of having operational skills equal to creating innovative organizations and the aspect with the lowest average value was visionary towards innovation.
2. A guideline to Develop of Develop Innovative Leadership In Educational
Opportunity Extension School 2. namely 1) Personality aspect Educational administrators should build good personality, build good human relations and learn new things. Easy to adapt to surrounding situations. 2) n terms of having operational skills, educational institute administrators should have operational skills, including modern knowledge. There is a new process technique. To comply with the 2019 coronavirus epidemic situation.
3) Vision towards innovation School administrators should study the context of the school and community in order to analyze the data. SWOT and have a vision It is a modern
vision in line with the 2019 coronavirus epidemic situation. 4) Team work School
administrators should build quality teams. Including there should be an academic network with internal and external organizations. 5) Creation of an innovative organization School administrators should create a working environment that encourages personnel to create innovations in line with the 2019 coronavirus epidemic.

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How to Cite
Kaewmanee, P. (2022). A Guideline to Develop Innovative Leadership in Educational Opportunity Extension School of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area 2. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 257–267. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/255889
Research Article


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