The Relationship Between the Servant Leadership of School Administrators and the Student Support System in School Under the Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the level of servant Leadership of school administrators, 2) the level of the student support system in school, and 3) the relationship between servant Leadership of school administrators and the student support system in school under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 3 according to the government teachers’ opinions. This is a survey study by using a quantitative research methodology. The sample group used in this research was 310 teachers who work in school in under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 3 from using the ready-made tables of Krejcie and Morgan then stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a 5-rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.
The results of the research found that 1) the level of government teachers' opinion about servant Leadership of school administrators for overall and every aspect was at
a high level, sorted from highest to lowest: building community, empathy, and commitment to the growth of people, 2) the level of government teachers’ opinion about the student support system in school for overall was at the highest level, sorted from highest to lowest: prevention and correction, forwarding, promotion and development, student screening, and getting to know students individually, 3) the relationship between servant Leadership of school administrators and the student support system in school under the Chaiyaphum primary educational service area office 3 according to the opinions of government teachers for overall, there was a medium correlation (r = 0.410) and a statistically significant positive correlation at the .05 level. The servant Leadership of the school administrators with the highest correlation was commitment to the growth of people, followed by building community and the lowest correlation was empathy.
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