The Devlopment of Learnning Achievement on the Subject “Economic” in the Learning Area of Studies Religious and Culture of the Sixth Year Rimary School Students at Ban Nong Khu School by Using Learning Skill Training Exercise

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Kamonkran Uthairuang
Somkhuan Namseethan
Phra Sanguan Wongsaonao
Han Taotachan Taotachan


The objectives of this research were: to develop the Buddhist learning skill training exercises by using meditation-based learning on the subject 'Economics' to meet the set criterion of 80/80; to compare the learning achievements on the subject 'Economics' before and after using the learning skill training exercise; to assess the six-year primary school students' satisfaction with the learning skill training exercise. This study utilized the experimental research methodology with one experimental group of 30 students selected by purposive sampling. The statistics used in data analysis were: Mean and Standard Deviation.
The research results were as follows: For the development of the Buddhist learning skill training exercises by using meditation-based learning on the subject 'Economics,'
the exercise consisted of the following learning plans: producers and consumers, economic relations, tax and tax benefits, natural resources. Students scored the
pre-exercise for each plan with an average of 43.95 or 87.9%. For post-exercise, their average score was 91.81 with an effectiveness value of E1/E2 = 87.90/91.81, higher than the criterion 80/80. Based on the comparison of the learning achievements on the subject ‘Economics’ before and after using the learning skill training exercise, the learning achievement before and after using the Buddhist learning skill training exercise integrated with meditation-based learning was different with a statistical significance level 0.01. The average score after learning was higher than that of before learning. The six-year primary school students' satisfaction with the Buddhist learning skill training exercises using meditation-based learning on the subject 'Economics' was statistically rated at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Uthairuang, K., Namseethan, S. ., Wongsaonao , P. S., & Taotachan, H. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2022). The Devlopment of Learnning Achievement on the Subject “Economic” in the Learning Area of Studies Religious and Culture of the Sixth Year Rimary School Students at Ban Nong Khu School by Using Learning Skill Training Exercise. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(4), 328–337. retrieved from
Research Article


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