Guideline for the Develop of School Adminisstrators Leadership in the 21st Century in Samsung District Under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4

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Porntipa Samnueksaksri


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current and desirable conditions of 21st century leadership of the administrators of Samsung district educational institutes. Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 4 and 2) to study the 21st century leadership development guidelines of Sam Sung School administrators, Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 4. This was a quantitative research. The population and the sample group were educational institution administrators. and teachers in the Samsung district school group The research instrument was a questionnaire on current and desirable conditions of leadership in the 21st century among school
administrators in Sam Soong District. Under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area District 4

The results showed that
1. A Study of the Current Status of Leadership in the 21st Century of Educational Institution Administrators in Sam Sung District Under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Area 4, as a whole moderate when considering each aspect by the side with the highest average was good human relations, followed by interaction. persuasion in the use of information technology and strategic management
2. A Study of the 21st Century Leadership Development Guidelines of Educational Institution Administrators in Sam Sung District Under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4, namely 1) the use of information technology. Executives should have training and practice in using technology media. Diversity in education management under the epidemic situation of COVID-19 2) Good interpersonal skills
Administrators should manage education with equality. honor each other and has worked like a good friend. 3) Convincing the mind Executives should create a culture of
cooperation. mutual assistance Accepting each other's opinions to occur in the organization 4) Strategic management. Executives should be open-minded. Know how to take care of him and take care of us. be friendly easy to find and narrowing the gap between people and 5) the interaction aspect. Executives should build trust confidence familiarize sociability and reduce the gap between people to occur in the organization And the results of the assessment of the suitability, conformity and feasibility of 21st century leadership
development guidelines of educational institute administrators in Sam Sung District under Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 4 were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Samnueksaksri, P. (2022). Guideline for the Develop of School Adminisstrators Leadership in the 21st Century in Samsung District Under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(3), 185–195. Retrieved from
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