The So Called “The People” สิ่งที่เรียกว่า “คน”

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Ratree Waleeprakhon
PhramahaMit Thitapanyo


Some human being is born with a destiny. The people of Rem were born with karma. Then, Human beings cannot choose to be born. When a person has merit being born as a person, it is the most noble thing. Some people, when they was born, they had fascinated in form (Rupa), sound (Sadda), smell (Gandha), taste (Rasa), touch (Photthabba), and Nature (dharma). They thought that, this is true and lasting happiness. To know in the true doctrine, all of things, they are all mundane happiness, a temporary happiness. They know that, how the form (Rupa) is beautiful. The form (Rupa) has changed naturally all time. The Form has aging, pain, death, and returns to earth, water, fire, and wind. When people have understand of the truth, the truth of every life that, it is emptiness, there is nothing that can be held true to it. But the doctrine of the Lord Buddha which is something that it should be held firmly and bowed to them and use it as a guideline for practice. It is a doctrine that, it’s point to practice for ordering to attain the highest happiness, that, it’s worldly happiness which is liberation from all suffering.

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How to Cite
Waleeprakhon, . R. ., & Thitapanyo, P. (2022). The So Called “The People”: สิ่งที่เรียกว่า “คน”. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(2), 395–406. Retrieved from
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