The Development of Training Curriculum to Enhance Knowledge Operational Skills and English Communication Skills for Caddies
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This research aims to 1) develop the training curriculum to enhance the caddies’ knowledge, operational skills and English communication skills to meet 80/80 efficiency standard criterion, 2) compare the knowledges, operational skills and English communication skills of the trainees before and after the training, and 3) study satisfaction of the trainees towards the training curriculum.
The research sample consisted of 44 trainees. Simple random sampling method was used for sampling and the sample size was determined using the ready-made tables of Krejcie and Morgan. The employed research instruments were comprised of 1) the curriculum to enhance the caddies’ knowledge, operational skills and English communication skills, 2) the test of knowledge, operational skills and English communication skills, and 3) the questionnaire for satisfaction of the training curriculum. Statistics used for data analysis were the E1/E2 efficiency index, mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test.
The results showed that 1) the training curriculum had the efficiency index of 80.16/80.72 which meets the set criteria 80/80, 2) the knowledge, operational skills and English communication skills of the trainees after training were higher than before training at .05 level of statistically significant difference, and 3) the satisfaction of the training curriculum was at a high level.
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