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Phrasukri ํYasodharo (Prathumsaeng)
Phrakhrubhavana bodhikun
Jaras Leeka
PhramahaPrateep Abhivaddhano


The objectives of this research paper are: (1) Studying the concepts of human
rights (2) Studying the meaning and importance of human rights (3) Analyzing the human
rights evident in the view of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Human rights refers to the
right of human dignity. Which is inherent to human beings from birth, including the rights,
liberties and equality of persons recognized or protected by law. Which is guaranteed
with worldwide recognition in which the fundamental rights all human beings must equal
in order to be able to live in peace is dignity, freedom, goodwill and compassion for one
another. Regardless of any difference in race, color, sex, age, language, religion, physical
status or health. Principles related to human rights, it was found that Principles in Theravada
Buddhism and Human Rights Principles All have demonstrated the equal value of humanity.
And emphasize the right and freedom by pointing out that humans have the potential
to do things on their own, they should be kind to one another, forgiving one another.
Through actions that are harmonized between the body, speech and mind, such as the
Benchmark Principle, the Principle of Faith, the Principle of Karma, the 3 main benefit is
personal benefit. Benefit others and common interests

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How to Cite
ํYasodharo (Prathumsaeng) P. ., bodhikun, P., Leeka, J. ., & Abhivaddhano, P. . (2021). THE HUMAN RIGHT IN THERAVADA BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(4), 69–83. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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