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Phamaha Nanthapong Yanakawee (Sriyotha)
Surin Phusing


Education management to achieve quality of living An important educational
resource is human resources. financial resources Materials and management resources
that executives need to have an understanding of management. Manage educational
resources and be able to manage them effectively and efficiently. Achieving objectives,
educational resources such as people, money, materials and management are all
essential to improving the quality of life of students. but to acquire such educational
resources requires participation from all sectors.
Most problems of the educational institutions at present found that the number
of classrooms was not enough for the number of students Lack of specialized laboratories
necessary for research studies Lack of modern technology media for teaching and learning
activities The area of the school is small. unable to organize practical activities in teaching
which resulted in the school having The environment that is not conducive to learning
also faces problems with budget management. Not enough for purchasing supply of
equipment Land and buildings to develop effective education management The performance
of personnel in schools lacks a strong team, is not united, lacks teachers with knowledge
and skills in a specific field. and there is no real problem solving This is a problem that
arises from having Limited educational resources Therefore, school administrators who
are directly responsible for the administration of educational institutions require participation
from all sectors. to play a role in educational resource management.

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How to Cite
Yanakawee (Sriyotha), P. N. ., & Phusing, S. . (2021). PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(4), 14–21. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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