Social Factors in Political Socialization in Thailand Social Factors in Political Socialization in Thailand

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Phramaha Suttidon Jittapanyo (Poonok)


This article aimed to 1) examine theories and concepts related with political
socialization 2) examine social factors that affect political socialization in Thailand. This
study was qualitative research from documents, and data from the documents were
analyzed using descriptive statistics to build knowledge for future study of social factors
in political socialization in Thailand.
The study found that political socialization meant passing of behavior to another
person, or another generation to create continuous learning and practicing. A person
would learn things related with politics (whether directly or indirectly), which would af
fect political attitude and behavior of the person. Social factors that affected political
socialization in Thailand were 1) family, 2) friends, 3) educational institutes, 4) press,
5) religion, 6) professional group and 7) political institute.

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How to Cite
Jittapanyo (Poonok), P. S. . (2022). Social Factors in Political Socialization in Thailand: Social Factors in Political Socialization in Thailand. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(1), 11–23. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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