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Chaipat Pathumtha
Phrakhru phipatsutthakul
Phrapalad Thassanapol Khemacaro
PhraMahasuparuek Supathajari
Kaweephat Cwchawnaha
Noppawan Chaichana


Research "The Animal Symbol of Buddhism: Synthesis of Buddhist Morale and Believe to Create Buddhist Art of Temple in Phichit" has three objectives: 1. Study and analyze the moral and beliefs of animals, Buddhist symbols. 2. Synthesis of moral and animal beliefs, Buddhist symbols that appear in Buddhist arts in Phichit. and 3. Animal designs, Buddhist symbols and the creation of Buddhist arts of temples in Phichit. It is a qualitative research. By in-depth interviews with key informants
The results were as follows: 1) The results of the analysis of the moral and beliefs of animals, Buddhist symbols, contexts of the research area 7 temples found Himmapan wildlife 1) Wat Rong Chang, the family of a lion, a tiger, a bird, an elephant 2) a temple Hua Dong Family Mom Garuda 3) Nong Tao Temple, Naga Family, Singha family, other animals, crocodiles, elephants, horses, crabs, fish 4) Huai Khen Temple, Singha Om
family, other animals, elephants, wild animals, Himmapan 5) Wat Wang Klom, Singha family, Tiger, Bird, Elephant Tiger family, tiger bird, elephant 7) Wat Phai Tha PhoTai, Tiger family, tiger bird, elephant 2) The results of the synthesis of the moral and beliefs of animals, Buddhist symbols that appear in Buddhist arts in Phichit Found that the body It is a sacred animal guarding the temple and is responsible for guarding or guarding the door in front of the Viharn temple in the area of the ritual of the parade for rain. As well as the hope of a future life And sporadic as well Human belief is closely tied to a cult. And religion is important Humans have a belief in various things. 3) As a result of animal designs, Buddhist symbols and the creation of Buddhist arts at temples in Phichit Province, it was found that most of the Buddhist arts were built in temples in the perimeter of the temple because the arts or craftsmen would express their intentions. In creating art with the power of faith and being a Buddhist worship Because the temple is the center of the arts community such as Phra Wihan, Chedi, Phra Prang, Hor Sai Sala, Bai Sema and
sculptures. Such as Buddha images and murals, which are Buddhist art on the walls


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How to Cite
Pathumtha, C. . ., phipatsutthakul, P., Khemacaro, P. T. ., Supathajari, P., Cwchawnaha, K. . ., & Chaichana, N. . (2021). THE ANIMAL SYMBOL OF BUDDHISM: SYNTHESIS OF BUDDHIST MORALITY AND BELIEVE TO CREATE BUDDHIST ART OF TEMPLE IN PHICHIT. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(2), 313–326. Retrieved from
Research Article


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