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Ekboonyawan Ploypanna
Suwin Thongpan
Jaras Leeka


The Objective of this research is 1) to study existentialism in Buddhism, 2) to study existential theory, 3) to analyze existentialism in Buddhism. It is a documentary research. Study information from the Tripitaka Academic documents And related research Analyze descriptive data according to the inductive method.

          The research results were found that.

  1. Existentialism in Buddhism, it is found that freedom is a term used to refer to people who do not adhere to Khan.Existentialism in Buddhism, it is found that freedom is a term used to refer to people who do not adhere to The five aggregates. And this freedom does not come with the birth of man, for it is achieved through rigorous self-discipline training. Until the mind is released from the ignorance because the lack of passion dominates the mind Therefore named The mind has true freedom. And this freedom will be seen And perceive it by yourself From the correct implementation of Buddhist doctrines.

  2. Existential theory found that freedom is a state of free mind. Can do various As desired Without any obstacles To hinder their actions by assuming human beings are cursed to freedom and born with freedom. Freedom is the essence of human life. When humans have freedom So he chose to use his freedom without affecting other people's freedom.

  3. An analysis of existentialism in Buddhism found that the existence of existentialist concepts contained in the Buddhist doctrine as a human development process in order to reach the true global goal, namely, their actions to set. In charity And at the Logutra level by taking away from peace until the attainment of Nirvana, Which has the process of accessing freedom, namely, the precepts and meditation until the contemplation Then raised the mind to Vipassana by considering the Trinity And leave the animal binder in samsara And having a lot of freedom Or less depending on the sacrifice If they can leave them at 10, they will attain Nirvana, which is the ultimate freedom in Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Ploypanna, E. ., Thongpan, S. ., & Leeka, J. . (2021). AN ANALYSIS OF EXISTENTIALISM PRINCIPLES IN BUDDHISM. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(2), 220–231. Retrieved from
Research Article


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