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Phraathikansaipray Katapuñño
Chuarchun Wangthaphan


Administration organization strategy using sovereignty doctrine Buddhism consist of important process, Administration strategy and Administration management, which makes the organization success and 3 sovereignty doctrine which are used to run the administration organization are as follow: 1) The analysis of the strategy in the management structure of organization and responsibility. 2) The strategy formulation for planning the organization goal. 3) The practice of the strategy to stimulate the work of the staff. 4) And the assessment and control the strategy to track control and assess the performance. The resources for administration, man, money, material, and management, are considered to be the important things the administer used to apply for management are: (1) Autocracy means composure is the beginning process of organization management. (2) Sovereign world means to hold the values of people. Commander can be punished by the Rule of the organization and the law of the country. (3) Moral Democracy mean to hold the principle of dhamma,
correctness, and virtue and use dhamma to rule the organization. The administer should know the strength and weakness of his or her or organization to lead to success effectively. So, this approach can be applied to used in any others organizations.


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How to Cite
Katapuñño, P. ., & Wangthaphan, C. (2021). ORGANIZATION STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT THE SOVEREIGNTY IN THERAVADA BUDDHISM. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(3), 1–13. retrieved from
Academic Article


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