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Chakkapan Wongpornpavan
PhraSombat Thitayano (Sukprasert)


This article is to study analyze the concept of freedom of Jean-Paul Sartre. The study found that the true freedom must be an indefinite will in deciding to choose to act or not to choose to act, which Sartre believed that human beings were cursed to have freedom. Man and freedom are the same thing. When everyone has his own freedom, there are no conditions outwardly, it can dictate human choice of action.
Everything depends on the potential for self-discovery. Sartre's freedom comes with a sense of self and social responsibility, it is therefore important that responsibility is to be responsible for ensuring that decisions on whether or not to act, and ready to accept the consequences of choosing to act as well. Sartre's meaningful freedom is based on the freedom to choose to act, both good and bad, subject to responsibility,
the consequences of self and society.

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How to Cite
Wongpornpavan , C. ., & Thitayano (Sukprasert), P. (2021). AN ANALYSIS OF THE FREEDOM OF JEAN-PAUL SARTRE. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(3), 38–51. retrieved from
Academic Article


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