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Somsak Boonto


The purposes of this research were to study current conditions, desirable conditions,needs and requirements strategy for development of student,s virtue and ethics of Suraphinpittaya School. The samples used in this study were administrators, teachers and Chairmen of the basic education institutions and Student parentes, a total of 334. The instrument for data collection was 5-level rating scale questionnaire with IOC value between 0.80 and 1.00. and overall validity value of 0.98. The data were analyzed by computer using Percent, Mean, Standard Deviation, Reliability and PNI.
The research findings were as follows :
1. Current conditions, desirable conditions, needs and the strategy required for development of student,s virtue and ethics of Suraphinpittaya School. The overall level, were moderate The highest average was development by setting up a school environment. The lowest was community involvement. As for desirable conditions, in all, were at high level. The highest was development of teaching and learning. The lowest was setting up a school environment. Regarding the need for moral development (PNImodified= 0.32), The highest PNImodifie was development through teaching and learning, development through community involvement (PNImodified0.34, development by setting up a school environment PNImodified= 0.30.
2. The strategy for Development of Students Ethics of Suraphinpittaya School. Strategy 1 – Development through teaching and learning with 1 goal, 6 measures, 6 indicators. Strategy 2 – Development through student activity process with 1 goal, 4 measures and 4 indicators. Strategy 3-Development through being good example with 1 goal, 3 measures, 3 indicators Strategy 4- Development through setting up school environment with 1 goal, 5 measures and 5 indicators, Strategy 5-Development through community involvement with 1 goal, 2 measures and indicators

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How to Cite
Boonto, S. . (2021). STRAEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT’S VIRTUE ANDETHICS UNDER SURAPHINPHITTAYA SCHOOL. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(1), 100–112. Retrieved from
Research Article


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