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PhramahaNamkriat Visutdho (Thongtawee)


This article presents the creative community management according to the principle of Saraniyadhamma VI. There is more promotion in community development. People in the community participate in community-organized activities to increase the potential of the community 1. Acrobatics. Is the management of the community that People in the
community pay more attention to reducing conflicts in their families and communities.
2. Compassionate speech Is a campaign to use polite speech to each other within the
community 3. Mercy concept Strengthening good friendships within the community,
building good relationships in good communities through friendship 4. Public Buddhism
It is the community management that people in the community help to take good care of the community utilities. Equally and equally And cost-effective 5. Community people join the campaign of kindness and generosity Have good morals, morals and ethics Build a good role model for people in the community. 6. Tithi Ordinya It is a community management in which people in the community campaign to build unity and harmony within the

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How to Cite
Visutdho (Thongtawee), P. . (2021). THE CREATIVE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLE OF SARANIYADHAMMA VI. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(3), 14–24. retrieved from
Academic Article


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