Development of Knowledge Management model in Educational Quality Assurance, Department of Mathematics and Computer, Academic Division, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy

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Akaporn Prachanurak
Preecha Vihokto


               The purpose of this study was to develop the knowledge management model in Educational Quality Assurance, Department of Mathematics and Computer, Academic Division, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. The methodology of this research was using research and development model which was developed in four steps: The 1st step was the conceptual framework of the research by using content analysis method from  textbooks, articles and related researches. The 2nd step was surveying current state and problems in knowledge management in Educational Quality Assurance of Department of Mathematics and Computer from 45 personnel by using an online questionnaire in the Google Forms application. An online questionnaire was about current state and problems in knowledge management of Educational Quality Assurance which was included 4 main components of KM, such as, creating, sharing, storing and assessment. The 3rd step was creating the knowledge management model in Educational Quality Assurance of Department of Mathematics and Computer by using content analysis method from the Theory of communication (SMCR). And 4th step was evaluated the development of knowledge management model in Educational Quality Assurance, Department of Mathematics and Computer by the nine of head of standardized educations for evaluated the appropriate level, accuracy level, feasibility level and usefulness level.
              The result found that: (1) The Knowledge Managementmodel in Education Quality Assurance, Department of Mathematics and Computer included 4 main components, such as, creating (KM1), sharing (KM2), storing (KM3) and assessment (KM4), which were collaborated with the Communication theory, which was consisted of the sources, messages, channels, and recipients.The result was achieved the development of the knowledge management model in Educational Quality Assurance of Department of Mathematics and Computer, which was introduced as Deployment flowchart. Likewise, the concept of digital 4.0 was collabrate
using together in the four element of data transmission in this model. (2) The
result of evaluated the development of knowledge management model in
Educational Quality Assurance, Department of Mathematics and Computer by
the nine of specialist, were the highest avarage scores inthe part of appropriate
=4.70), the accuracy (
=4.78), the feasibility (
Χ=4.59) and usefulness (Χ = 4.70). Which made the knowledge management model in the quality
assurance of education suitable for practical implementation.

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How to Cite
Prachanurak, A., & Vihokto, . P. (2019). Development of Knowledge Management model in Educational Quality Assurance, Department of Mathematics and Computer, Academic Division, Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(1), 388–403. retrieved from
Research Article


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