Public Participation in Community Development of I-SAN Subdistrict, Muang District, Buriram Province

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Punnathut Bonkhunthod
Rin Phimmanurug
Tanatporn Hadai
Santi Kookrasang


              The purpose of this study are; First, it aimed to examinine the level of public participation in community development of I-SAN subdistrict, muang district, Buriram Province. Also, this study attempt to compare the level of the public participation in community development as classified by the sample’s gender, age, education level, and occupation. The instrument used to collect the data were questionnaires asking 375 residents of I-SAN subdistrict, muang district, Buriram Province. The research sampling by Krejcie & Morgan formula. The research hypotheses were test in order to compare the differences of independent variables with more than three groups. Finally, Least Significant Difference test (LSD) was employed to test the differences between pairs if found with the pre-set significant level of .05.

               The results of the study revealed that the level of public participation in community development of I-SAN subdistrict, muang district, Buriram Province was found at a high level. Specifically, when considering each aspect in relation to the participation as benefits was rated at a high level, followed by the aspects rated by the samples as a high level, including the aspect of decision-making, and cooperation, respectively. These were followed by the aspect of evaluation, which was rated at a low level by the samples. Based on the results from the tests of hypotheses, it was shown that there were statistically significant differences in the level of participation in community development of I-SAN subdistrict, muang district, Buriram Province among the samples with different gender, age, education level, and occupation at a significant level of .05. Suggestion is should formulate policies for participation in evaluation. Encourage people to follow the progress of community development. The policy of participation in the operation. In the community development, the people have the opportunity to participate.

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How to Cite
Bonkhunthod, P. ., Phimmanurug, R. ., Hadai, T. ., & Kookrasang, . S. . (2019). Public Participation in Community Development of I-SAN Subdistrict, Muang District, Buriram Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(1), 209–222. retrieved from
Research Article


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