The strategy of Academic Affairs Management Based on Threefold Training of the General Education Section of Phrapariyatti Dhamma Schools under Office of the Group 10

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Phrakru Siripattananithet
Thiraphat Khotbanthao


              The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs of academic management strategies based on Threefold Training of the general education of Phrapariyatti Dhamma Schools under Office of Group 10 2) to create an academic management strategy based on Threefold Training of the general education of Phrapariyatti Dhamma Schools under Office of Group 10. The sample groups used in the research were 40 school administrators and 184 teachers. Research tool was a 5 – level rating scale questionnaire, analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, and data analysis, using the Modified Priority Needs Index: PNI Modified.

                 The research results were as follow:

1) The current condition, in all and of each individual aspect, was at high level (=3.61, S.D. =.82), and the desirable condition, in all and of each individual aspect, was at the highest level ( =4.60, S.D. =.85)

Considering the need priority, in all, the value of PNI = .27, while the issues with low priority was curriculum development Measurement and evaluation with PNI of .25 was the top and also the strength of the academic management strategy based on Threefold Training of the general education of Phrapariyatti Dhamma Schools under Office of the Group 10.

2) The academic management strategy based on Threefold Training of the general education of Phrapariyatti Dhamma schools under the Office of Group 10 comprised 5 strategies with 32 indicators. Those strategies were

1) curriculum development with 7 indicators

2) teaching and learning with 7 indicators

3) instructional supervisor with 6 indicators

4) development and use of technology with 7 indicators

5) measurement and evaluation with 5 indicators.

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How to Cite
Phrakru Siripattananithet, & Khotbanthao, T. . (2019). The strategy of Academic Affairs Management Based on Threefold Training of the General Education Section of Phrapariyatti Dhamma Schools under Office of the Group 10. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(1), 181–193. retrieved from
Research Article


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