The Development of Aging Union Activities : A Case Study of Nadoon Sub-district, Nadoon District, Mahasarakham Province

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ปิลันธนา ป้องชารี


             The needs of the elderly to participate in activities of the aging union are; for example, the need for the union to advertise its activities in advance so that the elderly will have enough time to prepare themselves for participation, the recreational activities should also be organized to suit their age, and finally the need to have an annual medical examination as well as the need to attend religious activities. The needs of the community leaders and caregivers are; for example, having a regular visit to those who have physical health problems in order to help strengthen their encouragement, the need of professional integration to enhance revenue, and finally the need of supports of the community leaders for the elderly who are unable to attend the event.

            The guidelines for the development of activities of the aging union are; for example, there should be a campaign about the union for the elderly so that they can become properly informed especially in matters of their rights and benefits including the correct guidelines for participating activities, taking a close care of the elderly who cannot care for themselves, promoting love in a family in order to make the family members aware of the importance of the elderly, respect and accept their opinions so that they can live even more happily with the family. 

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How to Cite
ป้องชารี ป. . (2016). The Development of Aging Union Activities : A Case Study of Nadoon Sub-district, Nadoon District, Mahasarakham Province . Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 3(1), 68–77. Retrieved from
Research Article


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