The Elderly,S Quality of Life Development, Thasala Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Manchakhiri District, Khonkaen Province

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เบญจมาศ อรุณพงศ์ศิร


  This independent study  was intended to study problems and needs  quality of life  development of the  elderly,  of  the thasala Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Manchakhiri District, khonkaen Province. Tools for data collection were questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires were used for 286 sampling subjects; the data derived from questionnairs were analyzed by means of statistics using frequency and percentage, while the data from interviews were manipulated by means of content analysis.

             Results of the study are given below.

             1.In general, the problems of  quality of  life of the elderly were mainly physical, Followed by problems of environment. Mental health and social relationships. Most of the elderly wanted to have physical checkup at least once a year. Followed by free health care. Proper medical treatment, nutritional food, and continued physical  and mental strength. With regard to environment, they wanted the most a living allowance to increase,  followed by the need for life and property security, and convenience in traveling to different places, pleasant environment, residence conducive to health, convenience facilities and public service site, information, work appropriate for the aged and sufficient income, and financial support from children/grand children.

             2.Regarding guidelines for the elderly’s quality of life development, government agencies  should dispatch specialized medical teams to give medication to the elderly each year, give them an opportunity to do work  they want to do, increase the living allowance, arrange physical checkups 1 – 2 times a year, provide health services, establish recreation centers in each community, arrange healthcare  training for the elderly, distribute dietary supplements every Student in Master’s degree program in Public Administration, Local Administration, College of Local Administration,  KhonKaen  Universit Associate Professor, Department of Health Administration, Faculty of  Public Health, Khonkaen  Universitymonth, provide the elderly with equipment such as wheelchairs, look after the elderly’s health and residence, give them an advice on nutrition, and provide sports playground and appropriate equipments.As for guidelines regarding the environment, most of the elderly had the following suggestions: free-time activities should be arranged for the elderly, an exercise places should be organized: free-time activities should be established for the elderly to read, a budget should be allocated to support occupation, public parks should be built in the villages for the elderly, services should be increased, asphalt roads should be constructed for the elderly, and life and property should be secured.

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How to Cite
อรุณพงศ์ศิร เ. (2014). The Elderly,S Quality of Life Development, Thasala Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Manchakhiri District, Khonkaen Province . Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 1(2), 67–78. Retrieved from
Research Article


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