Situation And Problems in Electrical Water Pumping Management of Kud Kwang Sub-District Administrative Organizations , Nong Rua Didtrict, Khon Kaen Province

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สุภชัย เสรีคตกุล


           This research aims to study situations and problems in electrical water pumping management of Kud Kwang Sub-district Administration Organization in Nong Rua district, Khon Kaen province. The data was obtained from six groups of involved people including responsible officer, water pumping officer, water pumping station committee, and 90 members of water consumption group. The research tools included a set of questionnaire and interviewed form. The obtained data was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data from questionnaire was analyzed for percentage and average score. The data from the interview was analyzed by content analysis.

             The findings were: 1) Personnel and management situation it was found, that the practices were at the highest level such as the appointment of officers for water pumping. The highest level of problem found under this aspect was skills of personnel in work performance. 2) Financial situation, it was found that the systematically planning for expenses in electrical water pumping was practiced at the highest level. The problem found under this aspect was the paying-receiving and saving money. 3) Equipments situations, it was found that the highest conduct  in management was related to the caring and the maintenance system of the electrical water pumping and irrigation canal. The highest level of problem was also related to the caring and the maintenance system ofwater pumping and irrigation canal of the water pumping station. 4) Management situations, it was found that the highest practice was the planning works which is conducting regularly. The highest level of problem was the monitoring, checking, and evaluating the work procedure of the water pumping station. 

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How to Cite
เสรีคตกุล ส. . (2014). Situation And Problems in Electrical Water Pumping Management of Kud Kwang Sub-District Administrative Organizations , Nong Rua Didtrict, Khon Kaen Province . Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 1(2), 45–46. Retrieved from
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