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Petcharaporn Prasanchum
Suwin Tongpun


Health is a condition in which person can express themselves according to social roles. Health makes person able to work as efficiently as possible. Health allows person to adapt to situations and the environment, which is the condition that each person perceives to the current situation. Health makes us feel happy, whether happiness is caused by external happiness or inner happiness that causes person to have a quality of life, optimistic, satisfied with life and complete with physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, social and environmental. The lifestyle of health according to Gharàvàsa-dhamma  in Buddhism. The principle of housing; should follow the honesty, not self-esteem rather than the public and understand their importance with influence or role and relationship with others. The principles of living together in the community; should follow the tolerance, trouble solving by peaceful means and know the extent and expression of emotions perfectly. The principle of working successfully should follow patience, not giving up on the problems faced and express opinions and feelings on various matters appropriately. The principles of creating value for themselves, should follow the sacrifice, generous and generous to people. Like this will make living together with reconciliation, reduce conflicts and social problems, cause of sustainable peacefulness in person, communities and society.

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How to Cite
Prasanchum, P. ., & Tongpun, S. . . (2020). GHARÀVÀSA-DHAMMA AND LIFESTYLE OF HEALTH. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(4), 84–100. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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