Districts Judge Advocate Buddhist: The Process of Community Development for The sustainability of the public and local governments in Roi-Et Province.

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Aranyavat Aranyavat


The objectives of this research were to:  1) to study factors and process of community development for the sustainability of the people in Roi-Et Province.  2) To integrate Buddhist principles in the developments of the constitution of Public and local governments in Roi Et Province.  3) To develop strategy for the constitution movement of the local government in Roi Et Province. Conduct research with qualitative research methods the research areas include villagers, community leaders, monks and experts seventy people.

The results were as follows;

The findings indicated that the first Supporting factors for community development for people's sustainability the local government in Roi Et Province are as follows 1) Physical aspects, 2) Government and population, 3) Economic, and 4) Religion.

The seconds Integrating Buddhist principles in the development of the constitution of Public and local governments in Roi Et Province are as follows 1) Integration with five precept, four sublime states of mind, to prevent and correct violence. 2) Integration with cultivation for health promotion, 3) Integration with the Discipline to protect the environment and 4) Integration to contentment and bases of social solidarity to promote community economy.

The third Strategies for driving the constitution of Public and local governments include, 1) Direction, 2) Create engagement activities and 3) Set goals, and have a mutual agreement.

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How to Cite
Aranyavat, A. (2020). Districts Judge Advocate Buddhist: The Process of Community Development for The sustainability of the public and local governments in Roi-Et Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(3), 369–382. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/241929
Research Article


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