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Kajeenuch Daopa
Phairoth Termtachatipongsa



The textbook is a learning media for both teachers and students. Textbook analysis helps teachers to understand the characteristics of the book and be able to use it in learning management effectively.  The objective of this research is to analyze Thai language textbooks for high school. Qualitative method was used for this research.  The target textbooks consisted of Thai Language, Language Principles and Language Usage for Communication, and Literary Appreciation textbooks in High School. The research instruments were 1) Thai language textbooks for high school 2) analytical record form of Thai language textbooks covering 4 parts consisted of learning objectives analysis (KPA), desirable characteristics analysis, analysis of learners’ key competencies, and analysis of learning skills of the students in the 21st century. A statistic used for data analysis was average percentage. The results of the research were as follows: 1) learning objectives were found in all 3 domains. Cognitive domain was the most found with 47percent followed by psychomotor domain with 40 percent and affective domain with 13 percent. 2) Regarding to the desirable characteristics, 4 items were found. Item 6, dedication and commitment to work, was the most found with 48 percent followed by item 4, avidity for learning, with the percent of 47, item 7, cherishing Thai-ness, with 3 percent and item 1, love of nation, religion and king, with 2 percent respectively. 3) There were 4 learners’ key competencies found.  The most found was key 1, communication capacity, with 54 percent followed by key 2, thinking capacity, with 39 percent, key 4, capacity for applying life skills, with 6 percent and key 3, problem–solving capacity, with 1 percent respectively. And 4) regarding the learning skills of the students in the 21st century, all 3 skills were found. The characteristics of people in the 21st century were the most found with 43 percent followed by skills for living in the 21st century with 48 percent, and the last one, content literacy skills with 9 percent.

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How to Cite
Daopa, K. ., & Termtachatipongsa, P. . (2020). ANALYSIS OF THAI LANGUAGE TEXTBOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOL. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(2), 102–118. Retrieved from
Research Article


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