Learning Experience Gained by Students during Their Years in University and Redefinition of the Role of an Instructor


  • ปิยวรรณ อัศวราชันย์ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
  • ยูมิโกะ ยามาโมโตะ
  • ฮารุนะ ยามาชิตะ


Active learning, Life story, Internship, Business Japanese, Workplace


This study aims to explore the interdependence of learning experience gained by a group of students over a serial process of internship, participation in the “Business Japanese” coursework, and workplace experience. Taking the “life story” approach, the study analyzed interview scripts provided by three university graduates who met the following requirements: having taken part in a common internship program at a common Japanese company in Japan; having taken a coursework in “Business Japanese”; and currently working in a Japanese company.

The results showed that the essence of learning experience: (a) went beyond the acquisition of knowledge provided in class; (b) was garnered and internalized differently depending on each individual student’s contexts; and (c) included perceptions as well as direct personal encounter experienced at each stage of the process.

The results call for a redefinition of the role of an instructor from one focusing on “what to teach" to one questioning “what the students have learned.”


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