Cross-Cultural Collaboration among Japanese Language Teachers in Thailand

Focusing on the Native Teachers’ Change of Views


  • Poranee Pinunsottikul Faculty of Liberal Arts Thammasat University
  • Yumiko Yamamoto Faculty of Liberal Arts Thammasat University


collaboration, intercultural, Japanese teachers, Thai, change of views


This article presents the results of a study on Japanese native teachers’ change of views toward intercultural collaboration during their time of working at a university in Thailand. Three Japanese native teachers were interviewed. The narrative analysis was used to extract each participants’ collaborating experiences, collaborative problems, problem handling methods and concept of ideal collaboration through their autoethnography. The results clarified the following aspects.
1) Native teachers need to go through the process of cross-cultural understanding by letting conflicts arise and overcoming them with a long ongoing involvement.
2) To have a successful collaboration, a local partner who is easy to talk to and treat native teachers equitably is desirable.
3) To achieve the most ideal form of cross-cultural collaboration, not only the cooperation of the partner but also a healthy work environment that promotes collaborative culture is an important component.

Author Biographies

Poranee Pinunsottikul, Faculty of Liberal Arts Thammasat University

Poranee Pinusottikul is a full-time lecturer at Thammasat University. She received her PhD degree in Applied Linguistics from Nagoya University. Her research interest is second/foreign language teaching and learning. Her current work focuses on collaborative learning. (

Yumiko Yamamoto, Faculty of Liberal Arts Thammasat University

 Yumiko Yamamoto is a full-time lecturer at Thammasat University. She earned her Master's Degree from the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Waseda University. Recently she has a particular interest in dialogue analysis,  collaboration, diversity, dramatic approach. (


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