Kyoto in the Document of the Hollanda: A case study of the Travel Records of Doctor Kaempfer in Japan, 1691
Kyoto, Hollanda, Travel Record, Engelbert Kaempfer, JapanAbstract
This article aims to study the context of Kyoto in attitudes and perceptions of Doctor Kaempfer, as it appears in the 1691 Travel Record. The study found that (1) The Travel Record it is an important historical document reflecting the thinking and point of view that foreigners have understanding Japan, especially Kyoto, which has a special status than Osaka and Edo. (2) The Kaempfer Record gives some observations about the author of the book Arnoldus Montanus, "Ambassades Mémorables De La Compagnie des Indes Orientales Des Provinces Unies Vers Les Empereurs Du Japon," It was written by the study of the records of the East India Company of the Netherlands (VOC, Hollanda), Which never traveled to Japan. (3) the travels Record of Doctor Kaempfer, makes understand the context of Japan and Kyoto in the late 17th century. Which has contacted marine trade in East Asia. Although the Shogun government has a policy of closing the country, it gives foreigners the opportunity to trade with Japan. This presentation of Kyoto illustrates the importance of Kyoto as a center of religious, social, economic and cultural. At present, Kyoto has attracted many tourists from Thailand and foreigners. The dissemination of this information will help to understand the context of Kyoto over 300 years ago, how Western travelers perceived Kyoto as compared to the present. It also helps to understand the status of Japanese society in the late seventeenth century more. In summary, the travels Record of Doctor Kaempfer are historical documents that use descriptive writing methods that apply knowledge Diversity such as the use of medical, geography, forestry, liberal arts, and archeology. And is a historical document that has benefits to learning Japan and reflects the being of Japanese society. In the attitude and perception. Of the most valuable foreigners.
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