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ศศิธร สุ่มหลิม
วอนชนก ไชยสุนทร
สิงหะ ฉวีสุข


This study aims to investigate the intention to purchase electric vehicles (EVs) among car users in Thailand. The research objectives were: 1) to compare differences in intention to buy EVs among car users in Thailand by demographic characteristics, including gender, marital status, age, education level, occupation, and income level; 2) to identify the attitude factors of car users in Thailand who intend to purchase EVs; and 3) to examine the technology acceptance factors of car users in Thailand who intend to purchase EVs. The sample included 400 individuals who had a driver's license or owned a private automobile and lived in Thailand. The statistical analysis methods used in this study were frequency analysis, percentage analysis, mean analysis, standard deviation analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that the occupation of the participants significantly influenced their intention to purchase EVs. The attitude factors affecting the purchase intention of EVs in Thailand included affective and behavioral factors. Meanwhile, the technology acceptance factors affecting the purchase intention of EVs in Thailand included government policies, social influence, purchase value, travel distance, and automotive technology. Therefore, entrepreneurs should focus on disseminating information about EVs both online and offline, conducting test drives in various locations, and offering after-sales services to build consumer confidence and eliminate concerns regarding the use of EVs, ultimately increasing purchase intention.

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How to Cite
สุ่มหลิม ศ., ไชยสุนทร ว., & ฉวีสุข ส. . (2023). THE INTENTION TO PURCHASE ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN THAILAND. Journal of KMITL Business School, 13(1), 92–104. Retrieved from
Research Article


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