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Research on Factors Influencing Consumers Buying Behavior of herbal product in central Thailand. The objectives of this research were 1. To compare the differences in purchasing herbal products among consumers in the central region of Thailand. Classified by demographic characteristics. 2. To study the marketing mix factors influencing consumers' purchasing of herbal products in Thailand's central region. 3. To study knowledge influencing consumers' herbal product purchasing behavior in the central region of Thailand. The samples were people who lived and worked in the central region of Thailand and had bought herbal products at least once in the past six months. In this study, the sample selection scope was those who bought herbs for health promotion or disease treatment only, amount 400 samples. The statistics used to analyze the data consist of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression analysis. The result found that consumers of different genders had no difference in the frequency of purchasing herbs. Consumers of different ages, occupations, statuses, educational levels, and incomes will have different frequencies of purchasing herbal products. As for consumers of different genders, the cost of buying herbal products was not different. Consumers of different ages, occupations, statuses, educational levels, and incomes will have different purchase costs for herbal products. Considering the marketing mix factors influencing the frequency of buying herbs and the cost in the past six months. The results of the study showed that marketing mix factors such as product, price, marketing promotion, and place influenced consumers' purchasing behavior. The knowledge and understanding factor was another factor that influenced the behavior when considering the frequency of purchasing herbs and the average spending on herbal products. Therefore, this study found that entrepreneurs should pay attention to all aspects of marketing mix factors and the factor of knowledge and understanding about herbal products. By presenting consumers with an experience of treating and alleviating various diseases. Along with promoting consumers' health, which will help them buy herbal products to promote health or treat diseases appropriately.

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How to Cite
SUPATANAKORNKUN, A., CHIYASOONTHORN, A. P. D., & KAMALES, D. (2023). FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMERS BUYING BEHAVIOR OF HERBAL PRODUCTS IN CENTRAL THAILAND. Journal of KMITL Business School, 13(1), 77–91. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fam/article/view/261674
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