Factors Influencing Oil Palm Grower’s Acceptance of Soil Management to Increase Competitiveness in Nongyai District, Chonburi Province

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พรสิทธิ์ วงศ์วิรภาพ


This research aimed to study on the benefits, the effects, the methods, the different information resources individual factors, the conceding soil management and the influencing factors to concede soil managing before fertilizing oil palm 183 of Oil palm farmers in Nhong Yai district, Chonburi province were the participants of this research and questionnaires were used as a research material to collect data. Percentage, mean, and standard deviation were calculated to analyze collected data. We examined the hypotheses by using T-Test formula, One-Way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis at significant level of 0.05 The study found that : The acknowledging benefits and effects of soil management of oil palm farmers in Nhong Yai district, Chonburi province is at high level overall and the different information resources individual factors that influenced farmers differently Source of awareness information and the influencing factors to concede soil managing before fertilizing is knowledge about how to manage soil before fertilizing At a significant level of 0.05 as well. The suggestion obtained from the research is government organizations, private organizations, farmers and agricultural support officers, fertilizer manufacturers or distributors should cooperate to develop the knowledge about soil management for planting of palm oil and improving fertilizer to increase the yield of palm oil by investing the same cost.

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How to Cite
วงศ์วิรภาพ พ. (2017). Factors Influencing Oil Palm Grower’s Acceptance of Soil Management to Increase Competitiveness in Nongyai District, Chonburi Province. Journal of KMITL Business School, 7(1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fam/article/view/208046
Research Article


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