Effectiveness of Integrated Psychological Program to Promote Organizational Loyalty among Generation Y Telecommunications Engineers Working for Thai Public Enterprise

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ชัชวาล อรวงศ์ศุภทัต


This research article aims to reveals effectiveness of the psychological integrated program for organizational loyalty promotion for generation Y telecommunication engineers in Thai public enterprise. Pretest-posttest control group experimental design with MANCOVA with two-way MANOVA for the hypothesis testing were used. The result reveals that, (1) in the post-test period, the experimental group had a statistically higher average score on two dimensions of organizational loyalty, organizational acceptance and support to organization than the control group. (2) In a month later, the experimental group had a statistically higher average score of all dimensions of organizational loyalty than the control group. Result also reveals that in the post-test period the experimental group who had a low level of job satisfaction and received this program had a higher score of organizational loyalty in the dimension of organizational acceptance than the control group and (3) a month later was followed up and no statistically interaction effects between the sample group and job satisfaction were found

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อรวงศ์ศุภทัต ช. (2018). Effectiveness of Integrated Psychological Program to Promote Organizational Loyalty among Generation Y Telecommunications Engineers Working for Thai Public Enterprise. Journal of KMITL Business School, 8(2), 45–72. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fam/article/view/207082
Research Article


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