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กิตติศักดิ์ อังคะนาวิน


This research is quantitative research. To study consumer attitudes before and after purchase in the online sales and service business in Chonburi province to study consumer behavior before buying and after-sale in the online sales and service business in Chonburi province and to Study consumer satisfaction before and after purchase. In the business of selling goods and services through online in Chonburi province, 250 samples are those who had purchased the service of selling products and services online in Chonburi province, aged 20 years and over. Data analysis the researcher uses percentage to analyze and explain the demographic variables of the sample: sex, age, education, marital status, occupation and income. Including behavioral variables and mean (standard deviation) (Standard deviation) to analyze and explain the consumer attitudes towards the online sales of goods and services in Chonburi province. The statistics used to test the hypothesis by finding the test statistic. One-way ANOVA, as the case may be. For analysis of variance, the differences are tested individually by Schiff's method. (Scheffe Procedure), with a statistical significance test at .05. The research found that consumers' attitudes toward the online sales and service businesses in Chonburi province before purchasing the majority of consumers were concerned about the quality of the products and the price suitability. The actual product and not confident in the protection of the data in the system before buying products online, most consumers still have confidence and If the cool features that collect or accept payment via credit card are quick shipping. The size and price of the quality. Having a good after-sales service and organizing an online store will help consumers after the purchase are satisfied and confident, and have a better attitude to shop online before making a purchase. The framework for implementing various factors is planned as a strategy for doing business online sales in overall at a moderate level. On the other hand, the personal and product aspects of attitudes were at the highest level. Payment channels and service levels were at a high level, with the attitude of consumers towards the online sales business in Chonburi province. On the other hand, personal information on the products and payment channels were at the highest level. Attitude is at a high level. Overall, the attitude of consumers towards the business of selling products and services online in Chonburi province before buying decision and after purchasing decision by factors and satisfaction to the business of selling goods and services through online as a whole. At the .05 level of significance

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How to Cite
อังคะนาวิน ก. (2018). CONSUMER ATTITUDES TOWARD ONLINE BUSINESSES AND SERVICES THROUGH ONLINE IN CHONBURI. Journal of KMITL Business School, 8(1), 173–192. Retrieved from
Research Article


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