An Improvement of Students’ Achievement in Reading for Comprehension Using Project-based Learning for Twelfth Graders

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Sakdinan Tochi


The research objectives were 1) to compare students’ achievement in reading for comprehension between pretest and posttest scores using Project-Based Learning approach for twelfth graders at Nawamintharachinuthit Triamudomsuksanomklao school in Bangkok, and 2) to explore students’ opinions on Project-Based Reading Instruction. The population of this research was twelfth graders at Nawamintharachinutit Triamudomsuksanomkloa School. The sample of this research was selected by Cluster Random Sampling technique. The sample consisted of 70 students during their second semester in the 2021 academic year. The three important instruments used to collect data in this research were 1) four lesson plans following the process of Project-Based Reading Instruction (PRI) for eight periods and the quality and suitability evaluated by 3 experts was at high level with mean of 4.40 2) a reading comprehension multiple choice test which consisted of 50 items and the reliability of the test (Lovett) was .95, 3) a questionnaire of students’ opinions on Project-Based Reading Instruction and the Cronbach’s alpha reliability was .92. The data were analyzed by using t-test for dependent samples.

The findings were as follows:

1) the scores of the posttest were significantly increased, compared to those of the students’ pretest at .05 level

2) the students’ opinions on Project-Based Reading Instruction were at positive level.



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