Enhancement of Creativity through the use of Twitter for 9th student graders of Sa-nguan Ying School

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Supattra Moryadee
Watsatree Diteeyont


This study was aimed to examine students’ creative thinking development before and after receiving the learning management to enhance the creativity through the use of Twitter among 9th grade students at Sa-Nguan Ying School. The participants consist of 48 students who were selected by using the purposive sampling method. All students have varied learning abilities of good, moderate and weak, but no differences in levels of creative thinking. The research instruments were: 1) lesson plans to enhance the creative thinking through the use of Twitter, 2) pre and posttests of creative thinking. All data was analyzed by using descriptive data analysis and t-test. The findings of this study found that the students’ creative thinking was higher after they participated in activities of lesson plans at p-value at 0.05. The mean score of student creative thinking was higher during the experimental period in which the key highlighted on hashtag of Twitter is a tool for learning management to enhance the creative thinking.


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