
  • Apichat Mookdamuang Sisaket Rajabhat University


Life skills, Integrative group counseling, students


The aims of this research were: 1) to study the components of student life skills and to validate the consistency between the model of student life skills components created by the researcher and the empirical data; 2) to construct a group counseling model to develop the life skills of students; and 3) to study the results of using the integrative group counseling model to develop life skills by comparing results before the experiment, after the experiment, and during the follow-up period. The sample group in Phase 1 of the research consisted of 495 first-year students studying in the Faculty of Education at Rajabhat University in the northeastern of Thailand. Phase 2 included eight students from Phase 1 whose life skills were in the twenty-fifth percentile and below and who were willing to participate in the integrative group counseling sessions. The research instruments included a life skills scale with a construct reliability of 0.91 and the integrative group counseling model.        

The research results found that          

1. The measurement model consists of 4 components: self-awareness and self-acceptance, coping with problems, emotion and stress management, and interpersonal relationship skills. The model showed a good fit with the empirical data, with standard component loading weights between 0.71 - 0.81, all statistically significant at the .05 level. The component weights for the measurement model were as follows: emotion and stress management (0.81) had the highest weight, followed by self-awareness and self-acceptance (0.80), coping with problems (0.80), and interpersonal relationship skills (0.71).          

2. The integrative group counseling model consisted of ten sessions: session 1-Rapport, session 2-Self-awareness, session 3-Self-acceptance, session 4-Coping with problems, session 5-Solving problems, session 6-Emotion management, session 7-Relaxation, session 8-Interpersonal relationships, session 9-Empathy, session 10-Conclusion.          

3. The integrative group counseling effectively developed students' life skills, as evidenced by significantly higher life skills scores after the experiment and during the follow-up period compared to before the experiment, statistical significance at the .05 level.


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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Online), 296(1), 6 p.





