การประเมินผลการใช้หลักสูตรท้องถิ่นในการจัดการเรียนการสอนแบบบูรณาการ อำเภอกงไกรลาศ จังหวัดสุโขทัย
Assessment of the curriculum, Integrated Local Wisdom Curriculum, A systematic evaluationAbstract
This research aims to 1) valuate the use of local curriculum for learning management in integrated teaching in Kong Krailat district, Sukhothai by processing the evaluating in four aspects which are input factor, process, productivity and impact. The target groups study consists of pre-service teachers in the amount of 12 people and teachers in the amount of 12 people. Research tools were questionnaire and 12 quizzes. The statistics used for data analysis were mean (M), standard deviation (S), t-test independent and one-way ANOVA. The results of the research were as follows:
1) The results of assessment of the local curriculum of pre-service teachers and teachers in the aspect of input factor concerning with administration, teachers, media, materials, equipment, learning resources and budgets in overall was at a high level.
2) The results of assessment of the local curriculum of pre-service teachers and teachers in the aspect of the process of planning Learning management and educational measurement and evaluation in general, there was a high level of opinion.
3) The results of comparing the mean of pre-test and post-test achievement using local curriculum showed that student’s learning achievement before and after learning using local curriculum were significantly different at the 0.05 level. Academic achievement after studying in all 12 groups.
4) The results of comparing the conscience in preserving local wisdom after learning by using local curriculum with 80% criteria showed that the conscience of local wisdom conservation after learning by using the local curriculum of students was higher than the criteria of 80% in all 12 groups.
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