The Development of Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students


  • กัณต์กวี วิมุติ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


ตัวชี้วัด ทักษะการทำงานร่วมกับผู้อื่น นิสิตระดับปริญญาตรี


This research aims to 1) develop the factors and indicators of the collaboration skills of undergraduate students 2) to check construct validity of factors and Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students. The samples are 400 first to fourth year undergraduate students, of academic year 2020. They were selected by using Multistage-stage Random Sampling. The research tool is questionnaire, based on Likert’s Fiver-Rating Scale, focusing on Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students. The Data were analyzed by using frequency distributions, median, interquartile range, percentage, mean, standard deviation and coefficient correlation by statistical package and second order confirmatory factor analysis by LISREL program in order to check the construct validity and the indicator validity of Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students.

  It was found that the factors and indicators of the collaboration skills of undergraduate students can be divided into 5 factors and 17 indicators. The first factor is Performance Skills, consisting of 4 indicators. The second factor is Interaction Skills, consisting of 4 indicators. The third factor is Communication Skills, consisting of 3 indicators. The fourth factor is Listening and Summing-Up Skills, consisting of 3 indicators. And the fifth factor is Systematic Thinking Skills, consisting of 3 indicators. The results also shown that the developed model of the factors Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students is harmonious with the empirical data. The chi square is 398.378 (P=0.000 ), P at Degree of Freedom is equal to 94, The Comparative Fit Index is 0.952, The Tucker-Lewis Index is 0.931, The Standard Root Mean Square Residual is 0.041 and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation is 0.009 . This means the model of the factors and Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students has statistical significant for the factors and indicators weight at .01 and it shows that the model of the factors and Collaboration Skill Indicators of Undergraduate Students has the construct validity.


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